I Will Follow You

Saturday, January 28, 2012

About Love About Someone

Maybe someday
Maybe somewhere out there
Or maybe sometimes...

How bout someday sometimes at somewhere..
It just seem to be not in the right day right time and right place

A sudden shock..
A sudden feel..
In a sudden...

Maybe I cant be the best
I'm trying to =]
I cant give the x what she want
Doesn't mean I can't give the next

But.. Still I'm not the best =]

或許 有些只是錯覺 並不是感覺
別想得太美 到最後還是空白

如果我說 如果
我愛上你 我喜歡你
你會給些什麽反應? 笑

別想得太早 別想得太多
如果我說 愛我沒有如果

給不了你未來 我還你現在

談戀愛 傷感情
嗯 總是來得太突然

我說 你要的幸福 我給不到
你要的未來 我還在迷茫
你要的安全感 我自己也缺

我去哪裡找個理由 讓自己配得上你?


那個讓自己覺得不可能的 她 

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